Операционная система не поддерживает сетевое хранилище hassio-supervisor

OK I got it working now. Need to use slave bind propagation, others wont work!

2 weeks ago there was a patch to the supervisor installer for setting bind propagation of the data mount to slave. Usually re-running the supervisor should do the trick, but for me it did not. I was able to set it manually using the following steps:

  1. Edit /usr/sbin/hassio-supervisor file changing the following line
    -v ${SUPERVISOR_DATA}:/data:rw \
    -v ${SUPERVISOR_DATA}:/data:rw,slave \
  2. Remove the docker container (it should get recreated by systemd automatically with the script you just edited)
    docker container rm -f hassio_supervisor
  3. In case it was not recreated (check docker ps) just run the script manually

Here is a link to the commit with the patch: